News and Events

Summer Camps 2022

Hi all!
I am happy to announce that we are currently planning 3 summer camps for this summer. If you are interested in joining the waiting list, please email

Camps in 2022

For Younger Campers

USA : Freedom, New Hampshire
Ages: 9 – 14
Dates: July 5th – July 26th
Directors: Debby Drew (USA) & Julia Fiebig (USA)

Estonia : Kiidi
Ages: 9 – 14
Dates: July 15th – August 6th
Directors: Laia Fabre (Spain) & Tomek Chilarski (Poland)

For Older Campers

Norway : Heggnes, Dale i Sunnfjord
Ages: 14 – 17
Dates: July 26th – August 9th
Directors: Till Schwantes (Germany)

Summer Camps 2022 and Applications

During the past two years, we have gotten numerous emails asking about the status of our summer camps. We have also received well-wishes and stories of the importance of LPC in your lives. I personally have greatly appreciated receiving these emails from all of you during this tough time.

At the moment, we are hoping for the best for Summer 2022 with the goal of running summer camps. As such, we will be accepting applications this year for campers and staffers with the usual deadline of December 1st. 

We understand the unpredictability of travel restrictions and the issues with asking this far in advance for this commitment. We also do not know what this Summer will look like for LPC and if we will be able to run camps as we have done in the past. However, with your applications we hope to find solutions for many of these questions that we will discuss during our annual conference held in December. 

Please note that all camps will comply with any COVID restrictions and guidelines as put in place by local governments. We will be monitoring changes in restrictions and laws carefully over the next few months.

You may request an application via the LPC Office email address ( Applications may be mailed to the address below or sent to the LPC Office email address. Please reach out to the LPC Office if you have further questions about this or need any further support.

Abbiamo applicazioni in italiano. Si prega di inviare un’e-mail se ne avete bisogno.
Nous avons des candidatures en français. Veuillez envoyer un e-mail si vous en avez besoin.
Wir haben Bewerbungen in deutscher Sprache. Bitte senden Sie eine E-Mail, wenn Sie eine benötigen.

If you would like to be included on email updates in the future, please fill out the following form here.

Again, thank you for your support and patience! We hope to see your application!

Applications may be emailed here:
Applications may be posted here:
Ecole d’Humanité
Gmeindi 318B
CH-6085 Hasliberg Goldern 


After last year’s success of raising over 5000 Euros, LPC’s fundraising committee is hosting another Silent auction!

Last year, we had handmade yarn, clothes, rugs, a blanket, and a carved wooden spoon, LPC memorabilia, art, music, wine tasting, virtual tours, holiday getaways, Swiss chocolate, and much more. The bidding was enthusiastic up to the very last minute, and the process helped connect our community around the world at a time we all needed it. Here is a link to what was offered last year. This year we will use a new platform specifically for charities auctions – should be even more fun!

2021 Silent auction will take place October 30th-November 7th

October 30th – bidding opens

October 31 – Silent auction’s special edition of LPC Radio show!

November 7th – bidding closes


If you have any exciting items or experiences to offer for this year’s auction, please fill this SURVEY no later than October 24th!

Help us spread the word:

Do you belong to a whattsup group from a camp? Did your kids go recently? Are you friends with LPCers who might not be on any mailing list? Please tell them about the auction!

Thank you for your past support, and for helping make this next Silent Auction an even bigger success!

Camp Birthday Radio Show

Hi all!
Piet-Hein van der Ploeg will host a special LPC Birthday edition of his LPC radio show tomorrow on Sunday, August 1st!

If you want to hear your favorite LPC song, see instructions on our Facebook page here. This can be a song you sang in camp, your favorite folkdance, that song you always played during dishes, or any song that makes you think of camp!

The show will air from 7-9pm Central European Time (1-3pm EDT and 10am-12pm PDT in the U.S.), and can be accessed through these links: or

See the Facebook page for updates if the above links do not work. Link here.

Happy Camp Birthday!

Potenziale raduno in Italia a luglio!

LPCers di tutta Italia, unitevi!
Siamo Francesca Schettini e Filippo Ricci, due appassionati counselor LPC italiani! Vi contattiamo perché avete espresso interesse a seguire i programmi LPC per il 2021 e perché attualmente vivete in Italia. 
Come saprete, a causa della pandemia purtroppo non saremo in grado di ospitare i nostri amati campi nell’estate 2021, quindi abbiamo deciso di ricreare comunque un po’ LPC vibes quest’estate e abbiamo pensato: “perché non organizzare un raduno LPC in Italia?” Tanti di noi hanno passato fin troppo tempo senza Morgensport, Folkdancing, Putz e, naturalmente, il Goodnight Circle più famoso al mondo. Tutto questo ci manca molto e siamo sicuri che manchi anche a voi.
Vorremmo invitare coloro che attualmente vivono in Italia a celebrare con noi l’LPC tramite un gathering quest’estate. Sulla base di ciò che sarà possibile riguardo alle restrizioni COVID-19, molto probabilmente il gathering sarà un weekend da scegliere tra uno dei primi due fine settimana di luglio e il luogo sarà vicino Roma in modo tale che sia facilmente raggiungibile sia da Nord che da Sud. Prima di addentrarci troppo nella pianificazione, ci piacerebbe avere un’idea generale di quanti di voi sarebbero interessati a partecipare. Una volta che avremo queste informazioni, stabiliremo una data precisa e creeremo e vi manderemo un modulo di iscrizione più ufficiale.Se siete interessati a partecipare all’evento, per favore rispondete a questa email entro e non oltre il 4 giugno. Riceverete un aggiornamento da parte nostra dopo quella data. 
Qualora foste interessati o aveste qualsiasi tipo di domanda, non esitate a contattarci ai nostri indirizzi email personali: 
English Version:
We’re Francesca Schettini and Filippo Ricci, two passionate Italian LPC counselors!
We are contacting you as you have expressed interest in hearing about LPC for 2021 and currently live in Italy.
As you know, due to the pandemic situation—unfortunately—we won’t be able to hold our beloved camps in the upcoming Summer 2021. We wanted to recreate LPC vibes and thought: “why not organize an LPC gathering?” Too many of us have gone too long without Morgensport, Folkdancing, Putz, and, of course, the world renown Goodnight circle. We miss it a lot, and we’re sure you do as well.
We would like to invite those who are currently living in Italy to celebrate LPC with us this summer. Based on what will be possible with COVID-19 restrictions, this would most likely be in the first two weekends of July and close to Rome.
Before getting too far into planning, we would love to get a general idea of how many of you would be interested in participating. Once we have this information, we will set a date in stone and send out a more official signup form. Please respond to this email by June 4. You will receive an update from us following that date.
If you’re interested, or have any questions, feel free to contact us at our personal email addresses:

LPC Olympics! Registration: June 1, 2021

Well, it’s happened again. After a disappointing last year, so many of us were looking forward to this summer. And now we still can’t travel. The excitement, the ceremony, the special events, the international understanding… All will be missed. So sad.

Of course we’re talking about….the Olympics! Well, we may not be able to get to Tokyo, but don’t you worry, LPC always finds a way. If you can’t go to the Olympics, LPC will bring the OLYMPICS (pronounced “LPC Olympics”) to you! Experience the thrill of international competition as you and your LPC Family face the Challenges of many incredible events! (Physical exertion not required.) Discover extraordinary Venues, test yourself to the fullest, meet or reconnect with your fellow Olympians!

To have this once in a lifetime experience (unless you did the LPC Hunt last summer…) all you have to do is sign up. You will become a member of an LPC Family and throughout July and August you will be an Olympian, solving puzzles, sharing laughs and striving to reach your goals with your Family team! And the best part is you are not required to travel one kilometer – the OLYMPICS will take place online, and you will only need to set aside 1-2 hours per week to participate.

If you think this is for you (yes, it is!), sign up now. No cost. Tell your LPC friends! Registration will close on June 1, 2021. It will be fun, stimulating, nostalgic, mind-blowing…. Be a part of the OLYMPICS!

To register, go to:

For further information, contact Olympus Kampantzakis (Ollie) at

LPC Summer 2021- April Update

Dear Campers, Staff Members and Families of LPC,

The association of Luethi-Peterson Camps met this past weekend to discuss potential plans for this summer. Unfortunately, we decided not to host summer camps for 2021. Like last year, there is still much uncertainty as the COVID-19 pandemic still is affecting many nations around the world. This includes rising numbers of cases and changing quarantine requirements for entering and leaving specific countries. The situation is still fluid, and new restrictions can be imposed at short notice. This has been a very difficult decision-making process for the organization over the past few months. We had hoped for a return to normal this spring. However, we do not feel we have a clear picture of what this summer would look like and felt that we could not ensure a safe experience for campers, staffers and directors alike. 

As mentioned earlier, interest from the community has been inspiring and informative during this process. While we may not be able to offer our normal summer camp programming, we are currently working to keep the LPC spirit alive for this summer and into this fall. This includes:

-Digital Activities

This will include hopefully another digital Camp Birthday celebration, a Silent Auction and other small events throughout the summer and the fall.

-Summits, Trainings and Discussion Groups

This will include discussions with various support groups in the LPC community as well as discussion and training with staff members

-Gatherings and Work Weekends

This would include putting together weekends for families in localized areas and potential work weekends to fix up our sites.

If you would like to receive email updates on these specific events and other information going forward, please fill in the form below to join our mailing list.

Mailing List Form

If you filled in our previous form from the past few months, you will continue to receive emails from us. You can email if you would like to opt out from these emails.

That all said, we hope to get a jump on planning for our 2022 camps. While again we cannot guarantee if we will be able to offer camps in 2022, we are hoping to start to look into options and policies for next summer earlier in the fall. Signing up for the above mailing list will ensure you will receive information from us concerning 2022.

I hope wherever you are, you are well, staying safe and have been able to enjoy the Spring. Again, we hope to stay in touch with you all during this difficult time. Thank you for your patience and support over this year. 

On behalf of Luethi-Peterson Camps Inc.

Executive Committee: Tommaso Besozzi, Tomek Chilarski and Maureen Tunney

Update January 2021

Dear Campers, Staff Members and Families of LPC,

Over the past few months, the European Central Office has gotten many requests for applications and interest in camps for this summer. It has been heart-warming to feel this support. Like many plans and events over the past year and for the foreseeable future, we are unable to say with certainty whether Luethi-Peterson Camps and related activities can take place this summer due to continuing concerns for staff and camper safety.

While this pandemic has been a very hard challenge for continuing our normal summer camps, we hope to recreate some LPC spirit in some form this summer. Some ideas we had during our annual conference were: (i) localized summer camps where campers and staffers within a small geographic region may be able to meet for shortened versions of LPC camps; (ii) localized day camps; (iii) localized offers which may include overnight hikes, day hikes, 1-2 hours of folkdancing, distanced singing and other camp-like activities similar to Support Group weekends; (iv) Work Camp Opportunities which would include working on various projects for some of our houses including Freedom (USA), Birch Point (USA), and Heggnes (Norway); (v) digital workshops and activities similar to the digital treasure hunt and Camp Birthday last summer.

While it is exciting to think that some of the above may be possible this summer, it is very important to stress that this is all dependent on what the situation will be in the coming months.

By April we hope to have a clearer vision of what will be possible this summer. We would also like to hear from you and what your interest in LPC is for this summer. If you are interested in receiving more information about the LPC program for this summer, please fill the form:

By filling in this form, we will put you on our mailing list to receive updates on the situation for LPC 2021. We will also be providing updates via our website.

I hope wherever you are, you are well, staying safe and were able to celebrate this festive season in some way or form

On behalf of Luethi Peterson Camps Int.

Executive Committee: Francesca Memè, Tommaso Besozzi and Tomek Chilarski


Update from excom November 2020

Dear LPC Family, Parents, Counsellors and Campers

We very much hope that you and your families all stay healthy and safe during these challenging times.

Given the current pandemic situation we are not yet in a position to make decisions about the summer of 2021. We plan on holding our usual winter meeting at the end of December and will post an update in regard to applications and potential camp options then. In the spring of 2021 we should know more about the chances of running safe and smooth camps in the summer and if so, how and where we could run our camps. At this stage it is certainly too early to make any final decisions.

We do hope that the situation during the winter and early spring will get better and we will be able to organize our camps and offer an LPC summer to as many children as possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact us here if you have any questions.

With warm greetings,

LPC Executive Committee

Francesca Memè, Tommaso Besozzi and Tomek Chilarski