Apply to be a counsellor
Anyone 18 years old or over can apply to be an LPC counsellor and help to run a camp. It is not necessary to have been a camper in LPC to apply to be a counsellor, although most people who do apply have either been campers themselves or know someone who has been a camper or a counsellor.

Working as a counsellor in LPC is extremely rewarding, although also very challenging. Counsellors work on a staff of 8-10 to run a camp of anywhere between 14 and 36 campers from 9-14 years of age (at camps for Younger Kids) or 14-17 years of age (at camps for Older Kids) for two to six weeks in duration. Counsellors and campers together make decisions about many aspects of camp life, from the choices of camp activities to the internal rules which regulate the life of the community. Issues of health and safety are always decided by the counsellors and ultimately the director(s). There is no limit to the number of years that you can be a counsellor.
If you wish to submit an application as camp counsellor, click on the button below. It will take you to the login page of our online platform, where you will be asked to create an account. If you are a returning LPCer, once you have created an account, most of your information will be filled in automatically: it is feeding in from the LPC database. Please review and update any information as necessary!
If this is your first time applying as an LPC counsellor, please download and read carefully our Counsellor’s Manual and Counsellor Job description. For any questions, please contact the LPC Central Office at
Please note that applications are due December 1st. Early applications are very welcome! Camps are organized during LPC’s annual “Christmas Conference,” which is held at the end of each year in the Ecole d’Humanité, Hasliberg-Goldern, Switzerland.
LPC Directors

If a counsellor wishes to become a director, there is an application process and a training procedure to reach this goal. Once a person has been successfully trained and is ready to direct, they are welcome to attend the annual Christmas Conference to participate fully in the organization of camps.