Summer Camps 2022 and Applications

During the past two years, we have gotten numerous emails asking about the status of our summer camps. We have also received well-wishes and stories of the importance of LPC in your lives. I personally have greatly appreciated receiving these emails from all of you during this tough time.

At the moment, we are hoping for the best for Summer 2022 with the goal of running summer camps. As such, we will be accepting applications this year for campers and staffers with the usual deadline of December 1st. 

We understand the unpredictability of travel restrictions and the issues with asking this far in advance for this commitment. We also do not know what this Summer will look like for LPC and if we will be able to run camps as we have done in the past. However, with your applications we hope to find solutions for many of these questions that we will discuss during our annual conference held in December. 

Please note that all camps will comply with any COVID restrictions and guidelines as put in place by local governments. We will be monitoring changes in restrictions and laws carefully over the next few months.

You may request an application via the LPC Office email address ( Applications may be mailed to the address below or sent to the LPC Office email address. Please reach out to the LPC Office if you have further questions about this or need any further support.

Abbiamo applicazioni in italiano. Si prega di inviare un’e-mail se ne avete bisogno.
Nous avons des candidatures en français. Veuillez envoyer un e-mail si vous en avez besoin.
Wir haben Bewerbungen in deutscher Sprache. Bitte senden Sie eine E-Mail, wenn Sie eine benötigen.

If you would like to be included on email updates in the future, please fill out the following form here.

Again, thank you for your support and patience! We hope to see your application!

Applications may be emailed here:
Applications may be posted here:
Ecole d’Humanité
Gmeindi 318B
CH-6085 Hasliberg Goldern 