Hello LPC Friends, Our third silent auction to benefit LPC began on Oct. 28th! It will close on Sunday, Nov. 6th at noon PST, 3pm EST, 8pm GMT and 9pm CET.
Here is the link to get to the auction: https://app.galabid.com/lpcauction2022/items The LPC community has donated over 55 wonderful things to bid on, from tangible objects to crafts and experiences. If you do not see anything that interests you, look at the bottom of the page for an item called: “Donate to LPC’s Endowment fund” (*described below). So it is easy for everyone to help LPC!
Piet-Hein will announce the auction at his LPC Radio Show on Sunday, October 30th 7-9pm CEST (NOTE: for one time only, 2-4pm EDT and 11am-1pm PDT in the U.S., due to clocks going back an hour in Europe). Here is the link to join: https://bit.ly/2pGnP3v
And there will be a Virtual Pöschtli on Saturday, November 5th to showcase some of the auction items (1-3pm EST, 6-8pm CEST). Here is the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89078104433?pwd=NDMvdVM5Z09FVU5WeGFVU1llb0R5dz09
Thank you for supporting LPC through this fundraising effort.
The Silent Auction team
Nina Horáková, Sara Bartholomew, Frida Tidén
*From the LPC International website: “The LPC Endowment is an investment account created to generate annual income for LPC’s operating expenses, scholarships and special projects. Funds in the Endowment, whether contributed by LPC supporters or transferred from other cash accounts at the direction of LPC’s governing body, are invested in socially responsible investments in accordance with LPC’s Investment Policy.”